The Prom...The Leaver's Ball...The School Formal...The School Ball...
Whatever the function is called the trend for these formal senior school events seems to be the same - for more and more money to be spent on the one night of glamour; money many families just cannot afford.
School ball season is in full swing in NZ with media reports claiming that many are spending more than $2000 on the event. For girls it is not just the dress but all the accoutrements that go with it such as hair, make-up, nails, spray tans, pre-ball function, limo, post ball party and finally photos, not to mention the actual ball tickets. Boys don't escape the financial outlay either with a suit needing to be bought or hired - then there are the shoes and traditionally a corsage for their partner.
There is a call from many parents and some of the students that school balls are now out of hand. As well as the costs, the event puts students under a lot of pressure to look right and to fit in.
Are these functions really worth it? Do our teenagers deserve one day of special treatment as they near the end of their school days or is the cost enough for schools, parents and students to re-evaluate the value of these events?
Could more frequent less formal school dances replace the formal ball where students could have fun without the cost or the stress?
Is it time to just say no?