Values Exchange

What are the major constituents of anxiety in modern times?

7 Oct 2014 3 Respondents
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James Paik
Knox Grammar
Newb (86 XP)
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What are the major constituents of anxiety in modern times?
Though technologically and culturally, modern society may have advanced at exponential rates, it is still a truth that the vast majority of our society is affected by anxiety. Teenagers, adults and grandparents often sacrifice their well-being for the sake of anxiety. The roots of such anxiety cannot often be determined, as the livelihoods of every individual cannot be generalised. The volatile nature of human mood is in actuality, affected by myriads of external influences. It is considered convention that a more complex lifestyle correlates with increased anxiety. I was able to personally evaluate the legitimacy of this statement when I ventured to Cambodia for a mission trip. The Cambodians, regardless of age, were unanimous in their excellent standards of mental well-being. The genuineness of this well-being was represented in their extraordinary happiness, of their endeavours, and of their sense of satisfaction that they had for what their lives entailed. Though Cambodians live in relatively sub-standard conditions, and expose themselves to little or no technology, they reveal that an exceptionally low level of anxiety could be maintained by living in simplicity.

The data from reputable sources like values exchange and Australian bureau of statistics reveal that health is a major influence on our overall wellbeing. There is a definitive correlation with a person’s health level and their degree of anxiety. The majority of those concerned with health are concerned with their weight, and the majority of the respondents (middle aged people and teenagers), claim that the thoughts that go into such issues are morbid.
Because of this over-attention to conform to what are, societal norms, such individuals are directly suffering from a greater sense of mental discomfort. They find it hard to relax whilst they are pressured by society to alter their images. Obesity is not the only cause of stress either. There are in fact a whole myriad of social pressures that people try to keep up with. Therefore, society’s pressures are what differentiate the not so lowly Cambodians, and us. It is undoubtedly the biggest constituent toward anxiety.
It is proposed that All individuals should begin investing in methods of relaxation that is best suited for them


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