Values Exchange

To the victors go the spoils

17 Mar 2013 3 Respondents
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Newb (2 XP)
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To the victors go the spoils
There have been many articles written about the negative view points of aborigines in Australia. Depending on your personal point of view, you may believe the Indigenous have either been poorly treated or have economic benefits to support them or a combination of both. I recently applied for job and was told I was unsuccessful because it needed to go to an Indigenous person. I thought, imagine the back lash if I said to someone, "Sorry, you're not white". Racial vilification can go both ways. The media shows that often it is directed to the Indigenous. But working on an Island where I was the minority, I certainly also felt the effect of racism.
It got me thinking, (and I'm certainly not praising the past acts of 'White Australia' or the stolen generation - that time was hideous and offensive) but when a country goes to war with another. Where do the spoils of war go to? For instance, if Iraq invaded Saudi Arabia, would they then not be the 'owners' of the oil fields? Would they not control all the natural resources of the country that was invaded?
So, if this is the case. when The English came to Australia and 'took' possession. Does that not mean they have the power of the land? If so, why are Indigenous Land Rights an issue? Does this mean that when Hitler seized control of France, a French man could say, "Wait, this is my land. You have no rights over it? I know there are several issues at hand here but I feel that as I was born here, as was an Indigenous person, why should I be penalised? In what way you may ask? University spots are held open for only the Indigenous. Housing Loans are offered at a reduced Interest Rate. Is this fair? I appreciate the percentage of Indigenous incarcerated is higher and that mortality rates are lower. Health and Education problems are raised within the Indigenous community but should this impact on my children's chance an a University education? Should we help as a group regardless of race?
If a country invades another, should the 'winner' control the other?
Should the Indigenous have Rights to what was formally theirs?