On September 7th all Australian citizens aged 18 or over will vote in the Federal Election to elect a new Australian government.
People under the age of 18 are not allowed to vote, but will be affected by the result of the Election.
We want to give young Australians a chance to be heard so we are running a live poll for the next month. Like the adult Election you can vote once only; but unlike the adult Election you can:
a) Vote at any time until September 7th
b) Say why you made your vote
c) Discuss the Election with other young people within the results
d) Say what issues are most important to you
e) Follow the poll results as they come in
You can also set up your own polls, surveys and Think Screen issues as you like.
Will this make a difference? In one way 'no' - you do not have a real vote. In another way 'yes' - you will be able to show that you care enough to enter your views on the VX and if enough young people respond then adults will sit up and take note.
If you have friends in schools that do not have a VX then you can invite them to register here and then join in: