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Should rubbish men get paid an extremely high amount of money?

6 Apr 2012 6 Respondents
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Newb (2 XP)
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Should rubbish men get paid an extremely high amount of money?
Garbage men are often looked down at as dirty men coming to collect your rubbish. We put our rubbish out then go back to our houses knowing that the garbage men will come and pick it up. But without garbage men there would be rubbish lining the streets, literally. Once in Liverpool (UK) garbage men went on strike, protesting to be paid more money. Without people collecting their rubbish the streets were PILED HIGH with rubbish and rats were running everywhere. Garbage men do a lot more than a lot think so should they be paid a lot more than they get?
It is proposed that Rubbish collectors should get paid high amounts of money.

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