Parents kill their children all the time and the abuse that may go into it before the death is called child cruelty and abuse.
Now people do this all the time and it is really terrible! Should this be allowed?
Parenting is supposed to be a part of human nature; it is supposed to be instinctive. Parents love their children while in the womb and as soon as they see them. What is going in this world when parents kill those supposed to be most precious to them? These killings are absolutely distressing; we tend to see them as isolated. But this is a more common problem than people think.
I Would like to make the world sit up and take notice of the horrors many children face in their daily lives,
I believe that public awareness is the first step to saving lives.
Filicide - is the deliberate act of a parent killing his or her own son or daughter. The word filicide is derived from the Latin words filius meaning "son" or filia meaning daughter and the suffix -cide meaning to kill, murder, or cause death. "A filicide" may refer to the parent who killed his or her child as well as to the criminal act that the parent committed.
Why people kill their children:
The mother who plans to take her own life and believes that the children are better off with her.
To get rid of an unwanted baby.
Spousal revenge.
Children with chronic health conditions are 88% more likely to suffer physical abuse than healthy children.
Unfortunately, killing one’s own children is nothing new in our society. In fact, the citizens of Ancient Greece and Rome considered destruction of newborn children to be the most effective form of population control. Ancient Greece upheld a law demanding that all newborns be examined for weaknesses or birth defects, and if found, the child was to be destroyed. On the other hand, Roman law gave absolute control of the baby’s fate to the biological father. The mother was not allowed to show the baby until the father approved, that is, if he did.
During the Chinese Revolution, China adopted a one-child-per-family policy. It is suspected that thousands of baby girls were murdered as a result of this policy because China, at the time, viewed females as no more than a burden, unless they were able to climb the social ladder through marriage. Males were able to work and bring money into the family, making them the ‘preferred’ sex.
The parent that kills his or her child "altruistically" believes that the child will have a better life after death.
Two sub-types of altruistic filicide are: 1) filicide associated with suicide, in which the parent also kills him- or herself; and
2) filicide to relieve suffering, usually occurring because of an ill or mentally disabled child.
The acutely psychotic parent suffers from hallucinations, delusions, and epilepsy,
whereas the unwanted child is destroyed exactly for that reason: the parent doesn’t want it.
Accidental filicide is usually the result of extreme battery or abuse, in which case the parent did not intentionally kill the child. This usually occurs with men if they lose control of their temper and kill the child during a violent outburst or when using excessive force to punish or discipline the child.
Spousal revenge filicide is driven by jealousy and/or anger towards one parent by the other. It typically occurs when parents are either in the process of or have recently finalised a separation. Whether it’s spurred by one parent becoming involved in a new relationship or gaining custody over the children, the other parent will kill the children to ‘punish’ him or her, to inflict pain and suffering upon him or her, or to keep him or her from having the children.
neonaticide is the killing of a newborn child usually by a young woman who panics during the birth of her baby.
It happens in families where there's no history of violence and where there's a long history of violence. It crosses racial lines, socioeconomic lines. It's not black, Hispanic or white, rich or poor. It's a horror that we as a society are going to be confronted with again and again.
Before these tragedies, lots of people know these men and women are having difficulty parenting. The public has to be better educated in recognising how to intervene and how to support child abuse prevention. We must start taking children more seriously.
The focus should be on prevention!
The things that I could suggest would be that family and friends be aware of people who are mothers and fathers of young children and are figuring out how to cope with stress of daily life and to get them help!
We owe it to each other to support and share the love!
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