A literature search by Bollig, Gjengedal and Rosland (2015) identified that the main ethical issues experienced by nursing staff in nursing homes for the elderly relate to end-of-life care and making complex decisions. For example, whether life sustaining treatments should be withheld.
Bollig, G., Schmidt, G., Rosland, J.H. and Heller, A. (2015a) Ethical challenges in nursing homes – staff’s opinions and experiences with systematic ethics meetings with participation of residents’ relatives. Scand J Caring Science 29; 810–823
Bollig, G., Gjengedal, E. and Rosland, J.H. (2015b) l They Know!—Do They? A Qualitative Study of Residents and Relatives Views on Advance Care Planning, End-Of-Life Care, and Decision-Making in Nursing Homes. Palliat Med. 30 (5), 456-470.
It is proposed that assisted dying should be an option as part of end-of-life care for the elderly