The long standing debate on the merits of homework seem never to be far from our school gates or dinner tables.
Should students who have already spent 6-7 hours in school also be required to complete tasks in their own time? Does homework provide an effective way to cement the knowledge and skills learned in the class or does it limit time young people could spend on other activities or just relaxing?
The debate in Vietnam seems to be over with news that it will now be illegal to set homework - at least for elementary school students.
'From now on it will be illegal if a teacher gives homework to elementary students who already spend a full day at school.
This regulation is among the newest issued by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam in an attempt to confront parents’ complaints that their kids have too much homework and must join too many unnecessary extra classes.
It was also clearly stated that students who don’t go to school for the whole day will not get more homework than the full-day pupils have to solve as exercises. Schools that violate this regulation will be downgraded and fined in various ways.
The ministry has also issued many different rules to tackle the issue of students taking extra-curricular classes by setting heavy penalties for the teachers and schools if they break the laws.'
What do you think? Time for a ban in your country too?
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