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Is Online Gaming A Growing Problem?

24 Mar 2014 4 Respondents
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Newb (2 XP)
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Is Online Gaming A Growing Problem?
Many people are online gamers. Online games are so easy to access and play whatever consequences that result from large exposure must be multiplied in consideration. Online games are addictive and parents often have trouble getting their children off the computer to work on something productive. Homework is left un completed before the wonders games like World Of Warcraft, League of Legends and Dota provide over the mundane mathematical equations your teacher expects the very next day.

Some factors to note:
Entertainment level (quality compared to mainstream games.)
Economic issues (monthly subscription fees)
Weight gain
Loss of creativity
Un completed homework
Social disabilities and awkwardness
Any other issues you may propose or be aware of.

Your thoughts and time taken to respond are appreciated and I look forward to hearing back from the community on this topical issue.
It is proposed that It is suggested that you are for online gaming (it is an unexplored side of the argument and may prove interesting.)