This activity takes place in the second half of week six, and after individually completing the 'What is Justice?' survey.
As an inter professional health committee you are responsible for the funding decisions for the local health board. Each of the following four individuals has unique health needs but only ONE can be funded.
Who will the group choose?
As a collective group you need to work together to decide a) which of the four will receive the treatment and b) how you will work as a group to come to a decision.
This is an opportunity to be creative and to draw upon your new knowledge about values and decision-making as well as your skills in using the Vx for exploring issues and data.
After completing this survey use the Survey Board to post ideas for how to collectively decide who will be funded. You can create and post links to Vx polls, surveys etc; use the Board for open discussion; Vx friend other group members and chat together about possible solutions; arrange a face to face or Skype call. The choice is yours.
Somehow you'll need to work out how to work together and who will be the group's spokesperson. At the end of week six a decision will need to have been made.
When the group has come to a decision the outcome needs to be posted on the Week six section of the Interprofessional Education Pilot Board.
Good Luck!