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29 Jul 2012 13 Respondents
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Newb (2 XP)
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So, like the year is 1945. World War 2 is still raging on. Hitler is dead, the Germans have surrendered, yet the war is still raging on because the Japanese won't surrender. they have just bombed the Americans which brings them into the war and their newly made weapons - two nuclear bombs.
so, do you think that the Americans were right to bomb the Japanese? Who is at fault? the Japanese for bombing the Americans and bringing them into the war? or the Americans who bombed 2 Japanese cities and killing millions of people. Can we just blame the people on the plane that dropped the bomb, or the people who gave out the orders?
If the Americans hadn't bombed the Japanese, would the war still be going on? If the Americans didn't bomb the Japanese, would more lives been lost?
Do you think the Americans were right to drop the Atomic Bomb on the Japanese?
Who do you think should be blamed?