Hector and Maui dolphins are extremely endangered.
'In the 1970s between 21,000 and 29,000 Hector’s & Maui's dolphins lived around our coastline. Today, their population stands at just 7000 dolphins.'
'The latest population (2010/11) estimate for Maui’s puts their population at just 55 dolphins over the age of one. '
'Gill nets are used by commercial, recreational and customary fishers and are responsible for more than 60% of all known Hector’s and Maui’s deaths (where the cause of death is known).'
'In order to save Maui’s from extinction, Forest & Bird is recommending that there is full protection from all threats – fishing, marine mining and seismic surveying in the areas that they inhabit'
* All direct quotes taken from:
It is proposed that full protection be provided to these dolphins (no fishing, commercial or private) in their habitats.