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Do student nurses value clinical placements in nursing homes?

7 Apr 2018 26 Respondents
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Vanessa Peutherer
VX Community
Boss (11803 XP)
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Do student nurses value clinical placements in nursing homes?

Student nurses often report that being placed in a nursing home does not help them develop the level of knowledge and clinical skills required to work in acute inpatient or other specialist settings. Indeed, a study by Stevens (2011) reported that on graduation only 3 of the 150 students who participated stated a  desire to work with older people.

Reference: Stevens, J. A. (2011) Student nurses' career preferrences for working with older people: A replicated longitudinal survey. Int. J. Nurs. Studies. Vol 48 . Issue 8. pp 94-951

This poll is a copy of a case posted b Bill Deans VX community

It is proposed that student nurses do not value clinical placements in nursing homes