Values Exchange

Do nurses deliver culturally appropriate care?

11 Jun 2018 8 Respondents
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Bill Deans
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Senior Worker (686 XP)
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Do nurses deliver culturally appropriate care?

Standard 7.3 in the Nursing and Midwifery Code [NMC, 2015) states that:

'Nurses and Midwives use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication methods, and consider cultural sensitivities, to better understand and respond to people’s personal and health needs'.  

New standards published in May 2018 state that at the point of registration, the registered nurse will be able to

'provide and promote non-discriminatory, personcentred and sensitive care at all times, reflecting on people’s values and beliefs, diverse backgrounds, cultural characteristics, language requirements, needs and preferences, taking account of any need for adjustments'. 

Unlike the UK other countries have been more progressive in recognising the important part that culture has on health and health care. Moving from being merely culturally aware to being culturally competent and able to deliver culturally safe and appropriate care.

Has the NMC done enough?  Have they missed an opportunity and just played it safe?  What do you think? 

Watch this video from Canada before responding to the poll 


It is proposed that the Nursing and Midwifery Council standards will not prepare nurses to deliver culturally appropriate care.