Values Exchange


12 Apr 2012 28 Respondents
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David Seedhouse
VX Community
Genius (46566 XP)
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Because the Values Exchange can be used by young people only if their school subscribes, we are thinking about building a new site, open to all young people.

All children whose school has a VX licence will be able to use the new site for free, or for as long as the school holds a VX licence. Other young people will be able to subscribe - in the way you can subscribe to Club Penguin or Moshi Monsters at the moment.

Maybe this is a barmy idea - so we want to know what existing VXers think! Please help us with your advice by completing our quick "Brainami or Barmy?" survey!
What should the new site be called?
An easy to use launchpad on every page (links to all the best pages in one place)
A cartoon character for the site
Able to switch from mosaic view to big list view