Values Exchange


11 Feb 2015 1 Respondent
Respond to CaseBoard
Vanessa Peutherer
VX Community
Boss (11803 XP)
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Julie, a 20yr old woman has been admitted to the Acute Mental Health ward . Julie has been detained for treatment under a Section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983 ( ammended 2007) ,www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1983/20/section/3, following an episode of acute psychosis , as a result of Paranoid schizophrenia, which was diagnosed a year ago. The episodes of psychosis manifested as (according to reports from Julie's parents ) more frequent and increasing violent outbursts , hyper-sexuality and delusional behaviour. This behaviour coincided with a recent abstinence on the part of Julie with her anti-psychotic medication. 

One night, after the lights are dimmed on the ward , one of the nursing staff discovers Julie in the toilets with one of the other male patients. They are having sexual intercourse. It later also transpires that Julie is not on the contraceptive pill and the male patient did not use any protection during this event. 

The following day , the nurse in charge , obtains a prescription for the morning after pill www.patient.co.uk/health/emergency-contraception-leaflet for Julie . There are concerns from medical staff that if Julie becomes pregnant then this will effect her treatment options and chance of reaching a successful remission from her psychosis. 

During the drug round , as Health Care Support Worker, you are present when medication is being checked for administration to Julie . The charge nurse ( your mentor ) checks the morning after pill and pops the tablet into the medicine tot with Julie's other medication . 

The charge nurse checks Julie's identity band and then gives Julie the pills without explanation . Before you can protest , Julie has taken the pills without question . It quickly becomes clear following a discussion with the charge nurse that Julie was unaware that she was given a morning after pill and that this was done covertly in ' Julie's best interests ' , without informed consent.

What would you do, in this scenario ?

It is proposed that you inform Julie that she has swallowed the morning after pill and that you also report the charge nurse, your mentor,to his line manager.